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Grigory Yaroslavtsev

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University.

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As promised in the New Year’s post this year there are a lot of activities related to sublinear algorithms and big data. On behalf of their organizers (Alex, Ashish, Muthu, Sergei and myself) I would like to invite the readers of this blog to attend them and spread the word.

I might be forgetting to mention some other events that I haven't been directly involved in, so please comment if there is anything else coming up.

Also, as a flashback I would like to mention the second “Sublinear Algorithms and Big Data Day” that took place at MIT on April 10. One of the highlights of the event was the poster session which featured a large number of exciting new results in the field. The full list is available here. This was probably the most successful poster session I have ever been to and we plan to continue this tradition next year. Thanks again to Gautam, Costis and Piotr for organization and support!